Tuesday 10 August 2010


Ah, the Girafarig. I'm going to be blunt here I really don't like you. You have a dumb name for a start, what is it meant to be? Giraffe I get but then, rig? You're like half giraffe half oil rig or something? Oh how I wish that were true, but sadly you lot are worse still, you're half giraffe half Chain Chomp with Yoshi spikes down your back. And you're not even really trying to hide it. What's more your chain chomp tail apparently has a mind of it's own and sometimes bites you? Your own tail inflicts wounds on you? A dark type wound even, not great for a species that's half psychic now is it? Seriously, your franchise is popular enough, you don't have to steal from others, and if you're going to, do it better and make it less obvious. at least make me have to think a bit before I realise, not just "Holy crap it's a giraffe with a Chain Chomp tail".

Go away, you really do 100% suck.

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