Tuesday 10 August 2010

Rattata & Raticate

Well hello adorable, feisty little Rattata. Aren't you a cutie?  Yes yes you are but you're also just a purple rat with a slightly curly tail! The new designs don't have any creativity? Are you serious, come on Rattata you guys aren't even trying are you? Oh ok, you've only got one whisker, that is kind of different to a normal rat, but is that just because it's easier to draw, much in the same way most cartoon characters have only 4 fingers? I'm not sure but I'm not ruling it out. You guys don't even have any interesting moves, you're normal types! What does that even mean? What is normal in the Pokémon world? Well at least you all evolve into something good...

Oh wait, no you don't. You evolve into a bigger brown rat, much like the ones we have in the real world only rounder and larger. Well I'll hand it to you Raticate you do look like you could exist, but in doing so you also contradict the idea that the 1st gen are more creative than the later gens. There is a reason you could exist, because you pretty much do. You guys don't even have the curly tail or single whiskers! Pretty much the only details, besides colour, that separate the Rattata up there from, you know, actual rats!

Honestly, Rattata you lot and your evolved forms just plain suck.

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