Tuesday 10 August 2010

Welcome to Why Pokémon Suck

Woah you say, Pokémon is awesome! How dare you insult my beloved game!
Don't worry my friend, I totally agree. Pokémon is possibly the greatest game ever invented (well maybe after Portal and Patapon but that's neither here nor there right now), and at the time of writing this I am very excited about the release of Black and White and shall be picking up my copy on the day of release and training up my smug looking leaf starter as soon as humanly possible. It is in fact the second best selling gaming franchise ever! I'm sure we all know who's top and let's face it he's had a bit of a head start and even more spin off games so that's nothing to be jealous about, he has earned it.

So why the hate in the blog name?
Well it's because they do, all in their own special way, even the adorable ones like Slowpoke suck for reasons which I shall explain all in due time.

But if I love them why am I pointing out their flaws?
Well I'm am very glad you asked. I am pointing them out because of the annoying, whiny, nostalgic, stuck records that bang on about how the first gen are the best and how the new ones are "devoid of all soul" or "don't look like they could exist like the 1st gen did". A fact that is, to give a the short answer, simply not true or to give the long answer, complete and utter nostalgic bullcrap from whiny morons that need to think about what they are saying. Every generation has it's good an bad, and every player has their own likes and dislikes, I'm sure half of you won't agree with me and I'm sure I won't agree with half of you, but I'm leaving no-one out here, not even my own favourites as this is really the only fair way.

Yes this is an angry blog. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let us begin!

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