Wednesday 11 August 2010


Purugly you are the kind of Pokémon that fuels those annoying 1st gen people. For that alone I hate you. But what's worse is that when it comes down to it you do back up their argument pretty damn well, you've ugly as sin, it's even in your name. Even the people that gave you your English name couldn't bring it to themselves to try and deny it, even they must of thought you were a vomit inducing eyesore. Purr and ugly are what make up your name, what cats do and what you are. Ugly! Look at your stupid curved whiskers, do you even know what whiskers are for, why would they be bent like that? Your heads are shaped like the letter 'U' with ridiculous ears that look like wings, which might be slightly more acceptable if they were that but they're not. You have a weird fluffy middle section with looks like someone got bored half way through designing you, drifted off and started drawing a sheep before suddenly snapping back and drawing your twirly tail. Felines use their tails for balance and communication, how can you do either of those things with a tail like a slinky?

I'm just glad there are plenty of good looking Pokémon in the 4th gen to make me forget about you. You suck!


  1. Nice job taking out your anger on a virtual monster in a video game.

  2. Nice job taking out your anger on a virtual monster in a video game.
